WHY 31 ???

I’m so grateful.  Life has a funny way of turning out and surprising you at every turn.

It’s funny… if you had told me ten years ago that I would love showing people products that I totally have faith in on my own schedule I wouldn’t have believed you (although I *also* wouldn’t have necessarily believed that I would be the Mom of two vivacious and rebellious three-year-olds either)

If you had told me that I would be part of a team that is supportive and knowledgeable and caring, I would have laughed.  After all, isn’t this all about competition and crawling over one another to get ahead?

I am so ridiculously, unbelievably pleasantly surprised by experience.  The Thirty-One family has been gracious and caring and encouraging.  My team celebrates success and the Company itself rewards like you wouldn’t believe.

… and believe me when I tell you I’m not a “sales-y” person at all.  It’s not really my thing, but when you believe in something, it makes it much easier!

So WHY?  WHY did I decide this right for me?  WHY am I doing this?

I originally took an interest in a different direct-selling company about seven years ago. It was an OK experience, but the camaraderie just wasn’t there.  Other consultants were more likely to take than give, and in the end I decided it wasn’t a good fit for me.

Fast forward seven years… a marriage to my wonderful husband, the birth of my micropreemie twins, the ensuing eighteen month hospitalization of the girls and a lost job.  What was I going to do? 

I happened upon Thirty-One after I saw a woman at one of my daughters’ many doctors appointments with the cutest little thermal tote.  I was lumbering around with the girl’s formula and medicines (and a thermal bag that didn’t keep things cold (not to mention ugly)).  Hey listen, if a girl has to wear yoga pants and spit up everyday, she can at least carry a cute bag!  I asked her where she got it and she had purchased it from someone she knew down South who was holding a fundraiser.

That night I went home and read up on all kinds of Thirty-One literature.  I checked the websites and forums and articles.  I perused the catalog and really thought the items were adorable and functional.  If I’m going to buy items, WHY not be a consultant?  I had a lot to mull over.

I really, really thought about the opportunity.  Where else for $99 could you get literally get everything you need to start a business down to the order forms?  I needed the flexibility and *we* needed the money.  … and if nothing else, for $99 I was getting some really cute items that I would use anyway for small beans (they retail for about 4x as much… the bargain hunter in me was piqued!)

So I did it.  I signed up.  I anxiously awaited that pink box to arrive.  I was nervous and my husband was skeptical.  ‘Are people really that interested in this stuff?’ he said.  ‘Are you doing it just to get a discount and buy the whole catalog?’ Well… I *had* thought of that.  Ha!

…and then I committed to doing it.  I treated it like a job.  I called my List of 62, I sent out emails and letters, I handed out catalogs… and a funny thing happened.  People loved the items!  They loved the quality and how you could personalize things and make them your own!  I started off with one, then two, then four parties.  I’ve now hosted a number of parties and a few fundraisers.

It has indeed been a blessing for me and my family to have the extra income and for me to have the flexibility to be able to dive into the business when I could and step away when I needed to.  When the girls were intermittently sick all last Spring, I took some time “off” to be able to tend to them.  It’s perfect for me.

Could it be for you too?  If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I’m a pretty chatty gal (and I love adult conversation… it doesn’t happen often these days)

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